We all aim to make our lives simpler and more convenient because we have limited time and need to accomplish tasks quickly. Therefore, you need shortcuts that save time and effort so you can focus on the essential aspects of your life.
If you’re searching for straightforward tips on home, clothing, cooking, lifestyle, and more, you’ve come to the right place. We’ve gathered an ideal list for you that will save you time and quickly make life easier.
Here are the top forty tips that are sure to transform your life. Begin using them today and see how much simpler your life becomes.
Can’t Find Your Glasses?
Anyone who wears glasses knows the challenge of locating them. You can never have too many pairs of glasses.
If you have an abundance of glasses, you’ll require a secure storage solution. Here’s a tip that will transform your
Life and make it easy for you.

This hanger will save you time and eliminate the need for bulky cases. The primary benefit of using this trick is
providing you with all the available options. You can choose them easily and leave quickly, saving you from the
Try it to avoid the hassle of finding them!
Worried About Your Valuables While Shopping?
Here’s a trick that will make your shopping experience much less stressful than before. Nobody wants to be concerned about
your valuables secure while shopping. Why not attach your handbag to the shopping cart? It would make
It makes it much harder for anyone to take your bag.
It would be surprising for anyone when the cart comes with the bag. Using this trick will make your shopping easier.
Experience peace, without constantly checking your cart. This is particularly helpful if you need time to browse.
for the items you need to acquire.
Want Your Cereals The Way You Like?
Are you fed up with your cereal becoming soggy before you have a chance to finish it? It’s a challenge to avoid this.
Did you know there’s a way to keep your cereal from getting soggy every morning? Just add an ice cube to the bowl.
is the solution to your daily issue.
Rest assured, the ice cube won’t spoil the flavor of your favorite cereals. Instead, it will keep your milk cold.
chilly. Adding water won’t have the same effect. This trick will transform your morning routine.
Once you give it a try.
Full Bowl Of Tasty Popcorn
This trick will be very useful if you’re hosting friends or family for a movie night. One issue that affects popcorn
A lover is like the way the taste ends halfway through the bowl. So put a straw right in the center of the bowl filled with
First, pop the popcorn. Then, use the straw to add the flavoring.
No matter if you add butter or caramel through the straw, it will evenly spread the flavor throughout.
the entire container. Once you’re happy with the amount of flavor, remove the straw. Enjoy what you’ve
Missing out on this, so be sure to tell your friends about this life-changing hack.
Organize By Command Hooks
Are you annoyed by the sound of lids and pots clattering whenever you open the kitchen cabinet? Often there isn’t any…
There is space available for both the pan and the pot. You’ll need some command hooks to help organize your crockery cabinet.
Command hooks are incredibly handy for various purposes, and it’s a good idea to include them in your toolkit.
Installing command hooks on the inside of the cabinet door can give you additional space. Ensure you make use of this option.
Place command hooks throughout your kitchen. You can store multiple lids in each cabinet, although it depends on their size.
of your cabinet. After this, you won’t be bothered by the noise of any clattering utensils.
Removing Stickers
Do you need to remove a sticker from a product you purchased, but the adhesive is really stubborn? This trick will assist you.
Take off the stubborn label, and you can use the container again. The next time you want to remove a sticker, neatly place
the items in the freezer for a few hours.
The outcome you’ll witness will surprise you. The sticker will be as effortless to peel as a banana. It can be
easily removed with just your fingernails in one swift movement. The need to scratch or peel the label would disappear, offering
giving the piece a neat appearance.
Eat Watermelon Hassle-free
Would you like to enjoy a watermelon on a sunny day but find it too much effort to prepare? Slicing a
Watermelon can be messy and juicy. The simplest and most innovative way to eat watermelon is to consume it like you would a coconut. Cut
Cut off the top of the watermelon, take a spoon, and begin immediately.
This method allows you to enjoy a juicy piece of watermelon without the hassle of cutting it. Most people don’t.
use this trick because the watermelon in front of them is too large for one person to eat. However, there are
Small watermelons are available everywhere.
Recycle Candle Lids
Recycling and reusing old items can help you save money and showcase your creativity. You could use candles in your
home. After the candles are finished, you’re left with just the candle lid. You can incorporate that into your
How would you do that for everyday use? It’s simple; you can convert a candle lid into a coaster for your dining table.
The lid’s size fits any glass or cup perfectly. The rim around the top holds the condensation inside, preventing any spills.
protect your table from wet rings left by condensation on glasses. If your table is of high quality, ensure you use coasters with candle lids to
Keep it away from any water.
Same Air Freshener Different Aroma
Your air freshener might have a nice scent at first, but over time, the fragrance begins to diminish. An air freshener typically lasts
typically lasts 1-2 weeks before being discarded. What if you could refresh the old air freshener with a new scent? Well,
That can be done.
Here’s how you can do it: To reuse the air freshener, simply add a few drops of your preferred essential oil to it.
It functions as if it’s brand new. With a wide variety of essential oil fragrances available, you can select any scent you prefer and
I would enjoy being around you.
Using Hanger Clips As A Book Opener
When you acquire a new book, it might be challenging to keep certain pages open. This happens because the paper can be rigid and
causes the notebook to close once more. However, you can now address this issue effortlessly. All you require is a trouser hanger.
with a minimum of two operational clips.
The most important thing to do is to open the book to the desired page. Then, secure the clips to it.
the sheets on either side of the book. Once you do this, nothing will make the notebook shut again. If you’re a
Artist, this trick will be useful when it comes to drying the paint.
Use Hair Straightener As An Iron Substitute
Sometimes shirt collars are frustrating because they remain wrinkled or lose their shape despite how much you iron them.
If you’re tired of this, the most effective method to straighten your collar is by using a hair straightener. However, naturally,
Straighteners are easy to carry, and you can effortlessly clamp your collar between the straightener.
As a result, you’ll quickly fix that wrinkled shirt collar. Similarly, if there are other small areas
If there are any wrinkles on your shirt that you can’t iron out, try using a straightener. It will smooth them out in seconds.
The Back Razor
Do you find it difficult to deal with having a lot of back hair? Do you want to remove it, but find shaving to be a tedious task because you
Having trouble reaching your back with your hands? If you’re experiencing this problem, this back razor is the ideal solution for you.
Requirements for shaving your back.
Attach a razor to your back scratcher using some tape, and quickly get rid of all that hair.
While using this, you need to be cautious because excessive pressure might lead to razor cuts. Therefore, handle it gently, and
Your back will become smooth quickly.
Buy Household Items From Hardware Stores
While this isn’t exactly a hack, this tip will be life-changing if you frequently visit the hardware store. You can
Purchase household items from these stores to give your home a distinctive appearance. At this point, you might be curious about how this is even
We can explain it to you if possible.
You can replace coasters in your home with small tile samples. Additionally, you can use a marble slab as a
charcuterie board or a serving tray for your guests. Similarly, all it takes is some creativity, and your
Your home will have a distinctive appearance.
Create A Private Toilet
Isn’t it frustrating when you’re in a public restroom, and there’s a gap in the door? It makes you feel vulnerable.
and feel exposed, making it challenging to conduct your business. If this is how you feel, then toilet paper is
The perfect solution for you.
Simply take some toilet paper and secure it to the top and bottom of the opening. This way, you
I have designed a bathroom curtain that ensures privacy, allowing you to take care of your needs without being seen.
and confidentiality.
Tie Your Hair With A Sandwich Bag Tie
It’s common to lose hair ties because they inexplicably vanish and are never seen again. If you frequently misplace them,
and if you can’t find any other alternative, you can always use sandwich bag ties. However, you shouldn’t use them for buns.
or ponytails, as they might cause damage to your hair.
It is perfect if you’re looking to create a short hairstyle like a braid or pigtails. Therefore, whenever you find yourself in a
If you’re in a rush and can’t find any hair ties, give this trick a try. It will quickly resolve all your frustrating hair days.
Cover The Sensor With Toilet Paper
Technology aims to simplify our lives, but at times, it can be frustrating to handle. For example, if you have
If you’ve ever used an automatic toilet, you’re aware that it can sometimes start flushing before you’ve finished your business.
Public restroom toilets can be bothersome when they continually flush.
The most effective solution for this issue is to cover the sensor with toilet paper. By doing so, it will not
detect your movement, allowing you to conduct your business and then flush effortlessly. No more frequent flushing needed for you.
Use Chopsticks For Cheetos
We should all be grateful to the Chinese for inventing some of the most useful things that simplify our lives, such as chopsticks.
these things because they can be used for almost anything. So, if you don’t enjoy having Cheetos dust while you
if you’re eating them, you can always use chopsticks.
Simply take out those chopsticks and start eating your Cheetos one at a time. This will keep the cheese off your
You’ll appear stylish while doing it. Share this tip with your friends to make their lives easier.
Very quickly.
A Makeshift Loudspeaker
Almost everyone can agree that their preferred activity during a road trip or long drive is listening to their favorite
music in the car. However, it can be disappointing to discover that your speaker or radio isn’t functioning. If
If that happens to you, you can always use this trick.
Take a paper cup, cut off the ends, and attach it to your phone’s speaker. Once that’s done, you can start.
playing music, and you’ll enjoy the booming sound. It’s a great trick for when your car speakers aren’t working properly.
Make Your Mixer Stand-Up
If you don’t have a stand-up mixer, you understand how annoying it can be to manually hold the mixer while using it. It is a
A tedious process that can quickly exhaust you. However, we have a trick for you that will guarantee your standard.
The mixer stays upright without any effort on your part.
To carry out this hack, you can fasten a towel to the mixer’s handle and secure the other towel to something stable.
such as a cabinet handle. This will ensure that your mixer remains stable while you observe it mixing effortlessly and effectively.
A Taco From A Taco
Regardless of how you eat it, enjoying a taco is often difficult since a lot of the filling tends to fall out of the shell.
To avoid wasting ingredients, the best trick is to place a soft tortilla on your plate while eating.
A taco is when the tortilla on the plate holds all the ingredients.
After finishing, you can prepare a tortilla taco and enjoy it. It’s a great method to minimize waste and consume more.
Get two tacos for the price of one. Try it next time and you’ll thank us later.
Use All Condiment Bottles
There’s often leftover sauce and condiments in the bottle that are hard to access. You can always
Use a knife to cut the bottle in half. This will enable you to utilize the whole bottle.
making sure not to waste any of it.
This is because the sauces frequently cling to the sides of the bottles and don’t pour out easily, allowing you to enjoy them.
Here’s a trick to maximize the value of your money and extend the life of your sauces: you can make countless sandwiches.
using this trick.
Use A Pencil Box For Your Glove Compartment
The glove box in any car is a small space where you can keep essential papers and documents. However, we
often continue to cram things into that space until it is overflowing with unnecessary items. If that frequently occurs for you, you
You can use a pencil case to organize the sections.
Put all your important items in the pencil box, and store the remainder in the available space in the glove.
Store items in a compartment. This will save you time and effort, as you won’t have to spend time searching for the most important ones.
Substitute Buttons For Earrings
Many of us look for stylish clothes online, but occasionally they don’t match our expectations. If that happens,
You can always use this trick to hide the parts you need. Just use an earring and attach it.
between the two fabric parts you want to join.
Attach the stopper to your earring, and you’re finished, as your shirt will stay in place for an extended period. The best part is
You can wear earrings that complement your outfit to achieve a playful appearance.
Use A Frame For Your Laptop Screen
This tip is for all the accident-prone individuals who frequently damage any technological device they encounter. If your laptop
If your screen hinges become loose and can’t hold the screen in position anymore, this trick is perfect for you. All you need to do is
Attach the back piece of the picture frame to the laptop using tape.
Ensuring a stable foundation for the laptop screen will prevent it from tipping over during use. You can maintain
Continue using your laptop in this manner until you have the opportunity to repair your screen.
The Leakage Solution
No matter if you’re using a pitcher for coffee, water, juice, or something else, it can be frustrating when it keeps
dripping onto the floor. This can make it dirty and sticky, which is annoying to have to clean repeatedly. Therefore,
If you’re fed up with this issue, this solution is perfect for you.
Cut a plastic bottle in half from the front, and hang it on the dispenser spout. This will catch all the leaks and drips.
Place a drop on the bottle, and your floor will remain clean. Bid farewell to wet floors with this trick.
Create A Frozen Rack
Are you always running out of freezer space and unable to find more room for your frozen goods? If so, this
This trick is ideal for you since frozen foods often come in bulky packaging. Simply grab some paper clips and
affix them to your freezer shelf and frozen food containers.

This will create a rack that ensures more space in your freezer for storing other items. Use this trick and never
You won’t run out of freezer space anymore. You can keep the kids satisfied by having all their favorite foods in one spot.
The Multi-Purpose Bread Tags
Before you throw away your bread tags next time, consider their numerous alternative uses beyond their original purpose.
for its intended purpose. One excellent way to utilize these tags is for your scotch tape requirements. You can apply them to
Make precise and simple cuts without wasting tape.
Simply attach the bread tag to the end piece of the tape; this will make finding the tape roll easier.
and you can make cuts without creating a mess. So, keep these bread tags the next time and transform your life.
Natural Lighting Hack
Natural lighting is crucial to have in a home because, without it, your mood can be gloomy and dreary.
This trick is perfect for those who live in a home or apartment without any natural light sources. Go to your
Find the closest thrift store and pick up some old windows.
Afterwards, you can apply a frosting effect to the glass and place LED lights behind the windows. This will create an effect of
Natural light streaming in, making you forget you’re in a windowless space. So, give this trick a try.
today and observe the changes.
Flip The Lid
Many people are unaware of this, but medicine bottle cap lids have two sides. One side is designed to be childproof.
Everyone finds it difficult to open. However, if you turn the lid over, you can close the medicine bottle with the cap.
Making it safe for children, yet easy to open.
If you’re always having trouble opening your medicine bottles, just turn the lid over. Once you do,
It will fit the bottle perfectly, eliminating the need for additional effort. It’s a game-changing trick.
many people are unaware of.
Pack Your Closet
If you frequently relocate, this is one of the best tips for you as it will save you time.
Instead of removing clothes from hangers and packing them in boxes, you can use this trick. Take a large trash or
Place your clothes, along with the hangers, inside a laundry bag and cover them all.
Once you’ve done that, you can maintain them in this way and just hang the clothes back up in your new closet. This will save you
you won’t need to redo your entire wardrobe. Give this a try next time you move.
Makeshift Coat Rack
Whenever you travel, you often have multiple items without enough space to store them. For example, lots of people hold onto their
carry-on luggage space available.
Space on the aircraft.
When that occurs, you can easily place a magazine into one of the slots. This will form a temporary rack, and you
You can hang your coat or any other garment on the magazine. It will protect your clothing from dirt.
Floors where you can relax quietly.
Keep The Light Out
It’s really annoying when the curtains don’t shut properly because nobody enjoys waking up with
the sunlight shining in and directly reaching your eyes. If this frequently occurs with your curtains, you might consider using
This trick to stay in bed and sleep as long as you want.
Simply use a pants hanger to clip the curtains together to close them. This will keep all the
Block out sunlight and enjoy uninterrupted sleep for as long as you need with this trick. Say goodbye to annoying curtains.
Stop Chronic Vomiting
Have you ever experienced a day when everything makes you feel nauseous, and you can’t stop vomiting? If you have ever…
If you’re having a day like that, a great trick for you is to use sweetened condensed milk for your situation. You need to mix
mix the milk with water to achieve a soup-like consistency.
Afterward, you should sip the milk to help prevent vomiting. You can even take medication afterward.
these, and they will effectively alleviate your vomiting. Farewell to nausea in under an hour with
This is the perfect trick.
Never Hang Crooked Pictures Again
Do you dislike seeing picture frames hanging crookedly in your home? Do you lose patience when attempting to hang a
capture the picture perfectly. All you need is painter’s tape to avoid these problems and
Hang a frame flawlessly.
Utilize painter’s tape to determine the position and width of the area where you want to place the hooks for the frame.
Once you do that, you’ll be able to hang the picture evenly and it will be straight. Make sure you never have crooked pictures.
your house following this breach.
Add Salt To Your Scrub
Removing the scent of oil from your hands can be challenging, particularly if it isn’t an essential oil. For instance,
Gasoline is an oil with a potent scent that can be hard to eliminate. However, it is not impossible, and
You can use this trick to eliminate the odor.
If you accidentally get gasoline on your hands, simply add some salt to your soap or scrub.
If you wash your hands with this, it will quickly remove the strong oil odor.
Always Keep Multipurpose Screwdrivers
Screwdrivers are essential tools to have in your toolkit due to their versatility. These
Tools are always useful and can resolve numerous household issues. This is why the greatest tip for a toolbox is
Include screwdrivers to simplify your life.
They can be used for fastening screws, hanging frames, and a variety of other tasks. That’s why it’s a good idea to keep some screwdrivers in your toolbox because you
You never know when you’ll need them. They will make your life easier quickly, especially if you apply clever hacks.
In the vicinity of the house.
Use Garlic Press To Create Soft Foods
If you have a baby or a young child, this trick is one of the best things you can do when venturing out. Always have a
Having a garlic press in your bag can simplify your life and help you feed your baby. This is because it allows you to easily press any soft foods.
Create a mash by combining the food.
After preparing this puree, you can safely give it to your baby without any concerns. It’s the perfect trick if you
Go out frequently and bring your baby along to activities and restaurants. This tip will be life-changing.
Stop The Blood With Cornstarch
Many of us may get injured and start bleeding, and we don’t know how to stop it. When this occurs,
The best trick for improving your blood flow is to use cornstarch. Simply sprinkle a little cornstarch on your
Injure yourself, and the bleeding will cease in a few seconds.
The greatest advantage is that you can also utilize this trick if you have pets at home that get injured. It will
Stop blood loss quickly to prevent your home from resembling a crime scene.
Use A Landline To Tune Your Guitar
You might be wondering how this is even possible, but that’s what makes it a brilliant trick you’ll adore. The dial tone of
A landline phone emits a concert F note, and you can use it to tune your guitar. This will help you achieve the ideal sound.
You can use this as a reference pitch for your guitar.
Certainly, while you can use a tuner like most people typically do, if you don’t have one, this trick is perfect. It will assist you.
You develop the ideal tuning for your guitar that will transform your life.
Donate Mascara Wands To Your Local Shelter
If you want to minimize waste, particularly from the makeup you use, you should never discard your mascara wand.
The most effective use for your old mascara wands is to donate them to a nearby shelter. You may be curious about how this would
These wands are very useful for the shelter.
The shelters use the soft bristles of the mascara wand to give pets massages. In addition, they also utilize them to
Remove eggs and larvae from the fur of different animals. Reduce waste and make pets happy by donating your
Brushes for applying mascara.